Songs of Hope

Live Performance

Songs of Hope

Date: Wednesday, May 29, 30, and 31, 2024, 8:30 pm

This event has been cancelled. Ticket holders will be contacted by the Aga Khan Museum at the email they used for ticket purchase.


Inspired by one of the world’s most fascinating civilizations, Iran, this performance is a cry for hope and freedom. While the refined gardens of Shiraz and mosaics of Isfahan have contributed to its storied reputation, Iran's culture, dating back several millennia, is also famed for its remarkable musical and poetic expressions, which have always transcended the vicissitudes of history. A hymn to the richness and beauty of Iran, Songs of Hope features the sublime master of the kamancheh, Kayhan Kalhor, Kiya Tabassian on the setar, and vocalist Hadi Hosseini, singing in Persian.


Performers include:

Kiya Tabassian | Setar and Artistic Director
Kayhan Kalhor | kamancheh
Hadi Hosseini | Voice
Hamin Honari | tombak


Constantinople 2023/2024 Season Package

Purchase a package

Explore the season:

October 13, 2023 | Bach & Khayyam
April 19, 2024 | Across the Andes


About Constantinople


Constantinople is a musical ensemble that chose the journey — geographical, but also historical, cultural, and inner —as its cornerstone. It draws inspiration from many sources and aims for distant horizons. Inspired by the ancient city illuminating the East and West, Constantinople was founded in 2001 in Montreal by Kiya Tabassian.


About Kiya Tabassian


Setar virtuoso and acclaimed composer Kiya Tabassian has carved out a privileged place on the international music scene with his ensemble Constantinople and as a soloist. Past master in cross-cultural musical encounters, Tabassian travels across the five continents to present his creations and his music on stages worldwide.


About Kayhan Kalhor


Five-time Grammy nominee and winner (2017) Kayhan Kalhor is an internationally acclaimed virtuoso on the kamancheh, who through his many musical collaborations, has been instrumental in popularizing Persian music in the West. A creative force in today’s music scene, his performances of traditional Persian music have attracted audiences around the globe. He has studied the music of Iran’s many regions, particularly those of Khorason and Kordestan, and has toured the world as a soloist with various ensembles and orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic and the Orchestre National de Lyon. He is co-founder of the renowned ensembles Dastan, Ghazal: Persian and Indian Improvisations and Masters of Persian Music. Kalhor is a founding member of Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble, and his compositions appear on several of the Ensemble’s albums.


Learn more about Constantinople

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The Museum’s Performing Arts programming is generously supported by the Nanji Family Foundation.


Live Performance
Bach & Khayyam

October 13, 2023

Live Performance
Across the Andes

April 19, 2024

Presented in partnership with:

With support from:


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